Hairfinity Blog

Neem Oil For Hair: A How To Guide

Neem Oil For Hair: A How To Guide

Neem oil is a natural cure for all your scalp and hair problems. Neem oil is extracted from the seeds and the fruits of the neem tree, a large evergreen tree native to India and...

Hair Care Tips for Porosity Repair

Hair Care Tips for Porosity Repair

Have you ever been told by a hair care professional that you have porous hair? Are you even aware what porosity is and how to identify it. We generally think of our hair in terms...

Hair Fun in the LA Sun

Hair Fun in the LA Sun

We’re getting ready for the beach! We’ve spoken to Daily from Daily Curlz about her beach regime and how she keeps her hair on #BeachFleek over the summer. Check out her essentials below!

Frizzy Hair, Not Today

Frizzy Hair, Not Today

You’ve washed and styled your hair exactly like the girl did in the video that your friend sent you last week. But instead of the beautiful, smooth, shiny curls that the video ended with – ...