<meta charset="utf-8"><span>I felt like I need to tell you guys what an awesome product you have. I have struggled with hair growth all my life. I have very slow and minimal growth naturally. I have tried many over the counter vitamins and supplements to enhance/promote growth, with no results. Of course, I was skeptical to try another product and honestly went into it thinking it wasn’t going to do anything. I was one of those people that looked at others results and thought it was a scam. Surely these results aren’t real, people are tilting their heads, shrinking up their shoulders, angling the camera, etc, in order to show false results. Well, I’m excited to say you proved me wrong!!!! I changed nothing in my normal routine. I continued to style my hair the same way and use all the same products. After finishing one week of your supplements, I noticed a huge difference in the quality of my hair. It became more manageable, smoother and sleeker. I was very surprised but still wasn’t buying into the product, just yet. Also my husband noticed dramatic difference in my shedding, especially in the shower. After he mentioned it, I started paying attention during shampooing. Of course, my hair still naturally sheds but the amount is incredibly lower. It went from a handful of hair to around 5 single hairs. I was floored with those results alone and couldn’t wait a full month to measure my hair for growth. I am currently on my third week of taking your supplements and decided to remeasure today….I went from around the 5 inch mark on my shirt to the 7!!! Also it’s noticeable how the quality of my hair has changed, the frizziness is noticed in the first pic to the second ones sleeker appearance. I can’t say thank you enough and am so excited to continue to watch the results of my hair growth in the months to come!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!</span>